Sunday, February 24, 2008

It's like the pee in your pants....

except now its going right into the potty! We started toilet training Ava a few weeks ago and it wasn't going well. She 'got' the elements but couldn't connect. Then we all got really sick, Mike & I with the flu and Ava had a cold. We could barely move so we tossed the potty out the window. We started feeling better and Ava started asking for her panties again. So we started all over again! We took her to Wal-mart to get a step stool, since she loves the one at Mimi's house. She is doing so well with it. She will sit on the potty when you ask her to and she loves the sound the pee makes. Weird, I know. One of those roll your eye moments and a thought of whatever makes you happy, kid. Oh and the bribe of a 'chocolate cookie' (mini oreo) doesn't hurt either!!! We even went to dinner tonight with panties on. Yay Ava!

I have to admit....her little tushie looks super cute with no diaper and she looks like such a big girl!

1 comment:

Annie said...

I predict MANY blog posts on this topic ha ha! Been there, done that, and blogged about it!

Good Luck!