Thursday, March 6, 2008

Lunch and The Longest Trip to Target EVER!!!!

Today Ava and I ran some errands and she called out that she was hungry. We had to make our weekly Target run and there was a Bruegger's nearby, so I thought we could go there instead of fried Old McDonalds (thats what Ava calls it). There was a semi long line and she was being pretty good. A woman was standing in front of us and had a long black skirt on. Ever so lightly, Ava taps the woman on her leg and says, "You are wearing a beautiful dress". The woman put her hand to her heart and said, "Well thank you sweetheart, you have a beautiful coat" Ava beamed from ear to ear. It was really adorable.

So on to the Target trip. When we were done with lunch Pip says she has to go potty. So we go while we are still at Bruegger's and nothing. So we leave and zip over to Target. We are past the bathrooms, near the shoes, in the back of the store. She announces again that she has to go. We fly back to the front and still NOTHING. I was sort of getting frustrated at this point but I didn't want to not take her and then she has an accident. So now we are over in the seasonal, on the complete opposite end of the store. She announces that she pooped in her pants. Now I am feeling bad for her. She's having a tough time with the poop thing. She's holding it. She eventually goes, but waits like three days. Now its an emergency. I have wipes in the cart b/c we ran out at home. These wipes havent been paid for, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I grab a few from the container and rush her into the potty. She is kind of whining in the bathroom, disappointed in herself. I give her a hug and tell her its just an accident and it's ok. We will take care of it. She calms down some, but gets upset when I toss her panties out. Sorry kid, there is no way we are taking them home. So 1.5 hours later we FINALLY make it out of Target alive, tired but alive.

She is napping and I am going to read!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Potty emergencies are the worst! I've been there - in Panera Bread - on my own with both kids. I feel your pain lol!

I plan to keep my son in diapers til he goes to college - just to protect whatever is left of my sanity you understand ;)